The Aftermath of the Failed War on Drugs and Steps to Recovery With The Founder of Root and Rebound
Recently, Root & Rebound’s Executive Director, Katherine Katcher, was interviewed on The Mary Jane Experience, a podcast on the cannabis industry, about Root & Rebound, our legal advocacy work, and its connection to War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration.
We can’t celebrate cannabis legalization today without looking at how the War on Drugs perpetuated the harmful legacies of slavery & Jim Crow in this country, disproportionately harming poor communities of color, and pushing poor people of color further to the margins of society.
Lawsuit Challenges Unfair Background Check System in the Oil Refinery...
Root & Rebound Receives $2 Million Gift From the Yield...
Some Californians released from prison will receive $2,400 under new...
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