

Surviving Parole


Tuesday, Mar 07, 2023


Zoom webinar

How do people follow so many rules without making mistakes that lead them back inside?
How can people get money for housing, work tools, school, etc.?
Rumor has it there are changes in the law about transfers. What is the truth?
How can people try to get conditions changed, and is it realistic?
How long will parole/PRCS last, and can people get off early?

During this webinar, Root & Rebound Board Chair Sandra Johnson will share expertise from lived experience and Attorney Jamie Popper will share up-to-date legal information on these topics and more. While the webinar will focus primarily on parole, most of the information also will be relevant to PRCS. Feel free to email Jamie at [email protected], before March 7, with any additional questions you would like answered.


Tuesday, Mar 07, 2023


Zoom webinar

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